The Ray Knight Home

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This is one of two residences that O. Raymond Knight, the namesake of Raymond, had in town. This is the earlier of the two. In 1900, Raymond along with his brother William visited Southern Alberta for the first time. Their father was Jesse Knight, a wealthy miner-industrialist from Utah. Jesse had been convinced to send his sons to Canada to look at land for ranching potential. When they returned to their father in Utah, Charles A. Magrath came along. Magrath was the land agent for the Alberta Railway and Irrigation Company, which owned the land. He hoped to convince Jesse to buy a few sections (640 acres) of land near Spring Coulee. When Jesse asked about the land, Ray said that there must be something wrong with it because it seemed too good to be true. Magrath assured them there was nothing wrong with the land. To the shock of Magrath, instead of a section or two, Jesse decided to buy 30,000 acres on the spot.

The next year, when Jesse came to see his land, he passed the spot where Raymond would be settled and said he could envision a nice town there one day. Before the trip was over, Jesse had agreed to purchase another 300,000 acres, establish a sugar factory and settled what would become the Town of Raymond, named in honour of his son. This was Ray Knight’s first home in Raymond.

Ray Knight on his horse by his home. You should come and see this hat and saddle in the museum.

The puzzle below will give you clues to find the Ray Knight’s first home in Raymond. This puzzle works best on a phone or tablet with the rotation feature turned off. If you can’t see the clues, try looking at it from a different perspective.

Some will see THIS quickly and others will not. Try laying your phone flat and looking across it from various angles.

For your final clue:

Collect segments of the final password and puzzle at each stop. You’ll need the password to get into the puzzle. The order is important for both. The 7th segment of the final password is the last number in the earliest year we have confirmed that this building was standing, 1907.

You’ll probably want to write these items down:

Order: 7
Password: 7

Have you collected 11 segments of the final password? Enter the final password now.